
Remove Blame & Excuses

I am the Program Director for Pacific Quest and a founder/owner. This is one of my favorite programmatic points and the excerpt below is taken from one of our staff trainings.

Outing to Miloli’i Village and Honomolino Beach

Miloli’i means fine twist. The fine twist refers to the intricate, strong cordage that Miloli’i was known for throughout the islands. Miloli’i Village is known today as the “last fishing village” on the island. Inhabited mostly by families who have lived there for generations and whom still sustain themselves through fishing. To really get a

Goethe quote

“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.  It is my personal approach that makes the climate.  It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make a life miserable or joyous.  I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I


Blogging live from the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium in Washington DC… Currently attending a workshop called Buddha’s Brain: Neuroscience by Rick Hanson. The message of the workshop highlights the relationship between mindfulness and brain structure.  Essentially, the neural networks in our brains are quite plastic and can be manipulated by specific mental activities.  By using ones

Attachment and the psychotherapist

I am in a conference session on attachment theory.  According to David Wallin, author of Attachment in Psychotherapy, the therapist’s attachment style has important effect the therapeutic relationship and the treatment of clients. In essence, clients can earn a secure attachment through the experience of therapy.  This has important implications for serving clients who have

Pacific Quest Gathering

Pacific Quest recently held an informational and educational gathering for visiting educational consultants on the Big Island of Hawaii. Educational consultants arrived from the Midwest, East and West Coast, and Southern U.S. to learn about the services Pacific Quest provides for struggling youth.  Our guests were greeted in camp with a welcoming ceremony, drumming circle,

Young Adults Are Young

Young adults are just that…young. Treating them like children is inappropriate. Treating them like adults is inappropriate. So the question is: how do we appropriately treat them as the young adults they are? The challenge comes in trying to understand where to place our young adults and children and adults given so many extenuating circumstances.

Fun Facts & Life Lessons

By Erin Levine, Clinical Admissions Director Fun Fact: Did you know that it takes 2-3 years to grow a single pineapple? The pineapples our students enjoy today were planted by students almost three years ago. This can be a powerful life lesson for our students who are so used to instant gratification. In life, many

Staying Connected

By Alicia Goldman Aloha! I am Alicia Goldman, and I am the new Director of Alumni and Family Services at Pacific Quest wilderness therapy program. My role is two-fold…one role being a resource to assist families and bridge the transition from PQ back into the home environment. For many families this can be a fragile