Understanding the Milieu

Pacific Quest therapists Mary Beth Coffman, LCSW and Hilary Moses, LCSW presented a “dry run” of the experiential workshop they are offering at the 7th annual Wilderness Symposium in Boulder, CO.  The presentation was intriguing. Mary Beth and Hilary addressed the importance of utilizing many sources in weekly treatment planning, including the staff that interact with the students on a daily basis as well as  outside sources, including referring professionals, parents, etc.  Without giving too much away, the workshop delivered specific tools that are applicable to field instructors’ in-the-moment work with the students.  They addressed how the tools enhance the communication between the field staff and therapist, allowing the therapist to gather usable information for planning treatment and collaborating with outside sources.  The presentation was creative and interactive, drawing on role plays and audience participation.  Well done!

The Wilderness symposium is scheduled for September 11-13, 2009 at Naropa University in Boulder, CO.  It is a collaborative event that brings together a diverse range of interested parties including therapists, field instructors, rites of passage guides, referring professionals, students, and professors.

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