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I apologize in advance for the irony in the title, as I am using social networking to bring attention to the negative impact of technology.  It seems contradictory, but blogging and other social media tools are very effective in sharing information.  So later in this article when you read that you should limit your computer

6 Healthy Ways Your Teen Can Use Technology

Innovation is always met with the question “how will this change effect the next generation?” Lack of concentration, stifled self-esteem due to a lack of online attention, and irregular sleep patterns are just a few of the negative effects which can occur with overuse of technology. However, not all technology use is bad. There are

The Power of Gratitude

By Maureen Riley, MPH, MA Thanksgiving has passed and the holiday season is upon us. However, for students in a therapeutic wilderness program like Pacific Quest, gratitude is always in season. Feelings of gratitude for one’s family members, life opportunities and material possessions, emerge quickly for students who are away from home for an extended

Why Snooping on Your Teen is a Bad Idea

From mSpy to MamaBear, there are more than a handful of apps to assist you in spying on your teen and their personal activities, upping the temptation quotient ten-fold. While the creations of these technologies are mainly a result of concerned, well-intending parents, they aren’t always necessary. This is why it’s important you don’t get