Pacific Quest

Why Hawaii?

Welcome to the Aloha state—where people live longer, relax more and breathe easier. Considered one of the top vacation spots in the world, Hawaii is indeed made up of a chain of breathtaking islands. However, don’t think Hawaii is just resorts and hula huts. It’s also home to Pacific Quest! Hawaiian Culture You may know

5 Signs Your Child May Be Depressed

It’s not always easy to understand the difference between adolescent moodiness and a more serious struggle with depression. In fact, one in every 33 children can show signs of depression and in teens, that number is as high as one in eight. If you’ve noticed a depressive state for weeks, months or even longer it

Tuned Out: Is Your Technology Use Influencing Your Teen?

You’ve seen it before—a group of teens, a couple or a family at a restaurant sitting together but not being together because everyone is checking their phones? More and more, technology is ever present in our lives, and we are all at danger of succumbing to overuse. The millennial generation is known for being the

Anxiety, Avoidance, and The Hero’s Journey

Jeremy Nunnelley, LPC, NCC PQ Therapist Anxiety is an increasingly common problem for adolescents and young adults. The worry and fear associated with anxiety disorders can result in self-doubt, irritability, difficulty focusing, and feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks. In addition to these primary symptoms, other issues can worsen and be made more resistant to treatment

Parents in Conflict: Tips to Avoid Polarized Parenting

The more teens want to have freedom, the more routine and structure is necessary to help them navigate it with responsibility. Although few will likely admit to it, what adolescents need more than anything else is consistency and a sense of structure within the family. Unfortunately, the very nature of parenting can make this seemingly

How to Deal with Anxiety: Four Tips to Help Your Teen

Every adolescent faces countless changes and shifts throughout their teenage years, making anxiety management a main priority to obtain healthy day-to-day functioning. For most teens, anxiety acts as a gentle prod, pushing them forward through life in a productive way. But for some, anxiety can take over, becoming a chronic burden that stifles their academic

Horticultural Therapy’s Unique Ability to Foster Healing

June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, and here at Pacific Quest, we offer horticultural therapy as a form a therapy for clients who may be struggling with trauma and/or PTSD. Horticultural therapy has long been used to help people with these conditions. In the 1940s and 1950s, American war veterans — many of

Five Tips for Meaningful Communication with Your Teen

Communication is a precious life skill, and teaching your teen how to effectively communicate will not only help them throughout their adolescence, but their entire adult life as well. However, preaching to, or nagging at, your teen to open up to you usually isn’t the best route. Common problems for teenagers, such as bullying, body

Internet Addiction: Our Son’s Journey of Healing

As parents, we were really at a point (like many families) where we had exhausted what few resources we had available to us. Our son has learning differences but had never been diagnosed on the spectrum. We had always thought wilderness programs were for kids who were out of control, bad behavior, drugs and alcohol.