
Unique approach to healing- song writing!

Therapeutic approaches with at-risk youth need to be creative.  The population demands it.  At-risk youth are rarely going to swing by the therapists office after school for an hour a week and unpack their problems.  Many deny that problems exist and are content with their risky behaviors.  This population requires varied approaches to complex emotional/behavioral

Young Adults Are Young

Young adults are just that…young. Treating them like children is inappropriate. Treating them like adults is inappropriate. So the question is: how do we appropriately treat them as the young adults they are? The challenge comes in trying to understand where to place our young adults and children and adults given so many extenuating circumstances.

Wilderness Therapy Program Benefits

To understand the great benefits wilderness therapy programs can offer struggling teens and at-risk young adults, it may be helpful to review the “Stages of Change.” The Stages of Change is a model created to track behavioral refinements in people. Known in its clinical form as the Transtheoretical Model, there are six stages to track.

What Is Going On In My Teen’s Life?

Ever wonder what is really going on in the life of your teenager? Especially when it comes to a young adult on the verge of being labeled a troubled teen? While it is advised to go and ask your teen about what’s going on in their life, we have a little sneak peek before you

The Meaning of Intention

By Hilary Moses, Therapeutic Program Director I have found myself recently focusing on how to articulate the Pacific Quest wilderness therapy model. I know intimately what we do, day in and day out; I know the roles that everyone plays and how they contribute to a very full spectrum of services; I know that we

Is Boot Camp Right For My Teen?

You may have heard of boot camps, and if so, there may be a lot of questions swirling around about what boot camp really is. Is boot camp right for my troubled teen? Can girls go to boot camp? Is boot camp the same as wilderness therapy? We’ll take a closer look at the above

Pacific Quest’s Five Pillars of Health

By Britta Zimmer, Medical Director Every week at Pacific Quest wilderness therapy program we discuss and engage in the five pillars of health. This week we discussed the pillars of health and how they contribute to strengthening the immune system. The pillars of health are: 1. Diet/ Nutrition 2. Mind/ Body Connection 3. Sleep 4.

A Trademark for the Future

  By Travis Slagle, Land Supervisor Pacific Quest wilderness therapy program announces it has been awarded a registered trademark for Sustainable GrowthTM from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Pacific Quest has received international recognition for innovative treatment for youth and families in crisis and the recent trademark only confirms its ongoing leadership in

The Ohana’s Choice

By Tom De Trolio, Outing Supervisor Recently, the Ohana took an adventure to Honomalino Bay which lies 2,000ft down the scenic 5 mile road leading to Miloli’i, one of the last ancient fishing villages to rely on fishing as a way of life. From the town of Miloli’i, the group hiked about a half mile

Wilderness Therapy Program Pillars of Health: 3 of 5—Sleep

By Pacific Quest Get some Z’s. Forty winks. Out like a light. Slept like a log. Conked out. Deep sleep. Are you tired, yet? Sleep is an absolute human need. Thank goodness. Thank goodness we were programmed from the start to require a restful period in the day otherwise life can feel like go-go-go all