By: Mike Sullivan, Alumni and Family Services Director
Happy new year! We are diving into another great year of collaboration with Sky’s the Limit Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of at-risk youth by providing grants, support and hope through outdoor therapy programs and beyond. Sky’s the Limit Fund has provided financial assistance to a large number of families over the years, and as a partner program, we have matched them dollar for dollar. We enjoy giving back and catalyzing life changing experiences for families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access the amazing benefits of outdoor therapy.

Mike Sullivan and colleagues at STLF event
2016 was a powerful year. As a Sky’s the Limit Fund grant recipient said: “Outdoor therapy saved my son’s life. I don’t know where we would be without Sky’s the Limit Fund and Pacific Quest.” That young man arrived at Pacific Quest in a depressed and anxious state, and emerged with confidence and charisma. The combination of evidence based therapy, whole person wellness, and this particular young man’s decision to grab life by the horns were all pivotal in his growth. This is not an isolated story. Having attended several STLF fundraisers throughout 2016, I was able to witness grant recipients share their success stories in front of large crowds. These are tear jerking personal accounts of suffering and healing. Thank you to Sky’s the Limit for making such things possible!
Looking Ahead
2017 is shaping up to be another great year. Nancy Moore has completely transitioned into her new role as Executive Director, allowing STLF founder Rochelle Bochner to step away and focus her energy on her grandchildren. Pacific Quest is excited to host Nancy and an STLF Chairperson on campus for a site tour later this spring, continuing to showcase the unique horticultural and wellness platform that makes PQ so powerfully therapeutic.